Friday, August 10, 2007

The REAL ID Act - bad for 2nd Amendment

Gun Owners of America

National ID Cards

-- Threats to gun owners' privacy are a huge
Gun Owners of America

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8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
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Wednesday, February 9, 2005

The National ID card is back in the news, as Congress is getting set
once again to debate the issue. You will remember that late last year, Congress passed (and thePresident signed) legislation which starts us down the road to a National ID card. In the name of preventing alien terrorists from operating in this country, the so-called Intelligence Reform bill gave federal bureaucrats unprecedented new powers to force changes instate-issued driver's licenses -- including, possibly, the addition of computer chip technology that can facilitate the tracking of all U.S. citizens. Now, the House will be debating new legislation, H.R. 418, that was recently introduced by Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI).

In considering
this bill, the U.S. House will vote on whether to empower the federal government to determine who can get a driver's license --and under what conditions. Since you need a driver's license to purchase a gun from a dealer,this will give BATFE the expanded ability to impose even greater forms of gun control -- something which it has long coveted. This will become even more apparent if an anti-gun Democrat like Hillary Clinton wins the presidency in 2008. H.R. 418 is, unfortunately, supported by many Republicans who believe that repealing our liberties will somehow make us "secure."

joined a large coalition of citizen-activist organizations this weekin opposition to H.R. 418. In a letter to Congress, the coalition stated: "Standardization of driver's licenses has long been recognized as a bureaucratic back- door to implementation of a national ID card. With its required linking of databases and ability of the Secretary of Homeland Security to require a prescribed format, HR 418 takes us well along that road. Concerns are further heightened when the bill fails to even provide lip service to privacy concerns, and proposes to share all of our data on the driver's license database with Canada and Mexico."

Realizing government's tendency towards mission creep, no one should be surprised if this database grows to contain far more informationthan that which is relevant to driving. HR 418 requires that the database shall contain "at a minimum," all information contained on the driver's license as well as driving history. There is no limit to what other information may eventually be contained in the database -- something which should definitely concern gun owners. H.R. 418 is being touted as a way of cleaning up some of the problems with the law that was enacted last December. But this bill is still an attack on states' rights.

It still takes us down the road to a
National ID card. And it would still do nothing to keep real terrorists from operating in our country.

ACTION: Please contact your Representative and urge him or her to
oppose H.R. 418. You can use the pre-written message below and send it as an e-mail by visiting the GOA Legislative Action Center at (where phone and fax numbers arealso available).

Enemies of America

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have

attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It
would have been impossible for us to develop

our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and

prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely

preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

-David Rockefeller
Private Banker
Council on
Foreign Relations
June 1991



By: Devvy

December 4, 2003

"Truth is the first object." --Thomas Jefferson to Dr. Maese, 1809. ME 12:232

In my recent article on How The IRS Violates It's Own Code, the facts were carefully presented which definitively proved how the IRS deliberately lies and misleads Americans by unlawfully seizing (stealing) assets by circumventing the law.

This article will prove how the American worker and employer alike have been hoodwinked regarding the withholding process. The purpose behind this chicanery is not to benefit America, but to further enrich the coffers of the private banking cartel aka the Federal Reserve.

There is no need for an income tax, flat tax, sales tax or any other direct tax. All Americans are encouraged to look behind the curtain so that they might fully understand the grand plunder sucking the lifeblood out of our economy. See: Don't be fooled by this current illusion of a "booming economy." Debt is not prosperity.

Employers must withhold

So says the Great Deceivers, the Internal Revenue Service. Employers are routinely told that they must, under certain provisions of the tax code, withhold taxes of all sorts from an employee's paycheck. Funny thing though, when sincere Americans request that the IRS send its representatives to public seminars on this issue, the IRS is no where to be found.

Robert Schulz, Chairman of the Board of We the People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc., made a swing through 37 cities in April and May of 2003. Before he arrived at each destination, he sent, via certified mail, an invitation to both the IRS and U.S. Attorney's offices to come to his public seminars and correct him if he was giving out the wrong legal facts regarding withholding. What could be more reasonable?

In not one of those 37 cities did either DOJ or IRS send any representative, begging the question, "Why not?" Schulz is a man of honesty and integrity. His invitations to DOJ and IRS were sincere; his only desire was to be absolutely certain that the information he communicated to attendees was legally factual. Instead, he was met with the same usual arrogance in the form of silence. Why do you suppose that is?

Abracadabra, courtesy of the IRS

Lynda Wall is an expert in the field of withholding and has been assisting employers and employees alike for many years in understanding the law regarding this issue. We the People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc. will be holding our national convention in Washington, DC this coming January and Ms. Wall will give a two hour, comprehensive seminar that will firmly establish in anyone’s mind once and for all how the IRS lies to employers about this process and the lawful remedy.

According to Ms. Wall:

"The IRS will tell employers and employees that according to IRC section 3402(a)(1) of their code: ".......every employer making payment of wages shall deduct and withhold upon such wages a tax determined in accordance with tables or computational procedures prescribed by the Secretary."

"However, this is what the law really says: no (federal, state, city or county) municipal corporation shall levy or collect or cause to be levied or collected any tax upon the income, or any part thereof, of any person, resident or nonresident (also known as the "Full Paycheck Law"). Employers are prohibited from taking amounts from pay for federal or state taxes, fees or other charges absent the lawful, knowing, written consent of the employee.

"The Code of Federal Regulations clearly advises the employers at 26 CFR §31.3402(p)-1(a) "An employee who desires to enter into an agreement for withholding...shall furnish his employer with Form W-4 (or its equivalent) for withholding. The furnishing of such Form W-4 shall constitute a request for withholding." Then, 31 CFR §215.2(n)(1) clearly tells the employers they cannot take amounts from the workers' pay for any form of State tax UNLESS the employee VOLUNTARILY elects to have such sums withheld.

"Consensual taking from pay occurs ONLY when an employee voluntarily elects in writing to volunteer to participate in any (federal, state, city or county) municipal corporate tax, program, insurance (disability, Medicare), trust (social security), including non-judicial tax levy, garnishment for taxes, tax offsets, tax interest or penalty and the employer consents such a request."

The fruits of your labor belong to you

Pursuant to 26 CFR §31.3402(p)-1(b)(2), either the employer or the employee may terminate the withholding agreement (W-4 or its equivalent) by furnishing a signed written notice to the other. An employer cannot lawfully take amounts from the worker's pay without the risk of being sued after the worker submits his/her written notice to terminate the withholding agreement (W-4 or its equivalent).

According to Ms. Wall, when the employer's tax professionals (CPA or attorney) are the ones negligently advising the company to convert and transmit the worker's property (pay), those incompetent tax professionals are at risk of being sued for negligence, malpractice and misfeasance. Sheds a whole new light on things, doesn't it?

State laws protect workers from non-consensual taking from pay without the worker's explicit, knowing, voluntary, written consent. Only the worker or contractor/payee can make the determination whether or not he/she wants to volunteer to participate in government taxes, fees or other charges (i.e., social security trust contributions [FICA], social programs [Medicare], benefits [disability]) as well as non-judicial liens/levies, penalties and interest.

By all means, every employee and employer should go to the law library and verify the information above. It is accurate, it is factual and it is the law on the books. Don't take the word of the IRS for anything. Check the facts for yourself. Then sit down and have a heart to heart chat with your tax professional and find out why he/she doesn't know the law. After all, they're supposed to be the experts looking out for you, the client.

Unlawfully penalizing employers

The IRS threatens employers with huge fines if they don't withhold payroll taxes. Funny thing though, according to a September 15, 2003 letter from GAO (General Accounting Office) to Congressman Elton Gallegly regarding W-4’s and reporting, this little nugget of truth stands out:

"Under current law, IRS does not have statutory authority to impose a penalty to enforce employer compliance with the reporting requirement. The reporting requirement was promulgated in Treasury regulations."

How many employers has the IRS defrauded for untold millions of dollars in fines when in fact, they had no legal authority to impose or enforce such penalties and fines?

Tax cheats

The IRS likes to use a lot of rhetoric about "tax cheats" who won't "pay their fair share." When one lifts the curtain and exposes the lies and fraud being conducted every day by the IRS, one would venture to say that the real "tax cheats" are those who work for the IRS.

Employers are being fleeced to the tune of approximately 30% of their operating budget in "payroll deductions." The worker over a ten year period with $200 of taxes withheld each pay period, would get clipped for $104,000! For what? Certainly not to fund our military, social security or any other legitimate, authorized expenditure by Congress. Those expenditures are funded through borrowing by Congress. Debt is not prosperity.

The American workers and employers have been cheated long enough. If someone owns the fruits of your labor, stolen from you by deceptive and deceitful methods, then you are a slave. The withholding issue was sold under the guise of patriotism because the American people did not want this new taxing scheme back in 1942. Sixty-one years later, the American people still don't want this fleecing of the fruits of their labor which does not benefit them in any way. This process only encourages addictive over spending by Congress and more borrowing from the central bank. Again, debt is not prosperity.

We the people have two choices: You can either stay on your knees to this tyranny or you can get the facts and then enforce your rights using the law.

What future will you pass on to your children and grand babies? Freedom or indentured servitude?

© 2003 Devvy Kidd - All Rights Reserved

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Devvy Kidd is the Executive Director of We the People Congress, Inc., based in Annapolis, Maryland; WTPC is an affiliate of We the People Foundation. Devvy is a contributing writer for Devvy's web site is: E-Mail:

Police Have No Duty To Protect Individuals

Self-Reliance For Self-Defense -- Police Protection Isn't Enough!

by Peter Kasler

All our lives, especially during our younger years, we hear that the police are there to protect us. From the very first kindergarten- class visit of "Officer Friendly" to the very last time we saw a police car - most of which have "To Protect and Serve" emblazoned on their doors - we're encouraged to give ourselves over to police protection. But it hasn't always been that way.

Before the mid-1800s, American and British citizens - even in large cities - were expected to protect themselves and each other. Indeed, they were legally required to pursue and attempt to apprehend criminals. The notion of a police force in those days was abhorrent in England and America, where liberals viewed it as a form of the dreaded "standing army."

England's first police force, in London, was not instituted until 1827. The first such forces in America followed in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia during the period between 1835 and 1845. They were established only to augment citizen self-protection. It was never intended that they act affirmatively, prior to or during criminal activity or violence against individual citizens. Their duty was to protect society as a whole by deterrence; i.e., by systematically patrolling, detecting and apprehending criminals after the occurrence of crimes. There was no thought of police displacing the citizens' right of self-protection. Nor could they, even if it were intended.

Professor Don B. Kates, Jr., eminent civil rights lawyer and criminologist, states:

Even if all 500,000 American police officers were assigned to patrol, they could not protect 240 million citizens from upwards of 10 million criminals who enjoy the luxury of deciding when and where to strike. But we have nothing like 500,000 patrol officers; to determine how many police are actually available for any one shift, we must divide the 500,000 by four (three shifts per day, plus officers who have days off, are on sick leave, etc.). The resulting number must be cut in half to account for officers assigned to investigations, juvenile, records, laboratory, traffic, etc., rather than patrol. [1]

Such facts are underscored by the practical reality of today's society. Police and Sheriff's departments are feeling the financial exigencies of our times, and that translates directly to a reduction of services, e.g., even less protection. For example, one moderate day recently (September 23, 1991) the San Francisco Police Department "dropped" [2] 157 calls to its 911 facility, and about 1,000 calls to its general telephone number (415-553-0123). An SFPD dispatcher said that 150 dropped 911 calls, and 1,000 dropped general number calls, are about average on any given day. [3]

It is, therefore, a fact of law and of practical necessity that individuals are responsible for their own personal safety, and that of their loved ones. Police protection must be recognized for what it is: only an auxiliary general deterrent.

Because the police have no general duty to protect individuals, judicial remedies are not available for their failure to protect. In other words, if someone is injured because they expected but did not receive police protection, they cannot recover damages by suing (except in very special cases, explained below). Despite a long history of such failed attempts, however, many, people persist in believing the police are obligated to protect them, attempt to recover when no protection was forthcoming, and are emotionally demoralized when the recovery fails. Legal annals abound with such cases.

Warren v. District of Columbia is one of the leading cases of this type. Two women were upstairs in a townhouse when they heard their roommate, a third woman, being attacked downstairs by intruders. They phoned the police several times and were assured that officers were on the way. After about 30 minutes, when their roommate's screams had stopped, they assumed the police had finally arrived. When the two women went downstairs they saw that in fact the police never came, but the intruders were still there. As the Warren court graphically states in the opinion: "For the next fourteen hours the women were held captive, raped, robbed, beaten, forced to commit sexual acts upon each other, and made to submit to the sexual demands of their attackers."

The three women sued the District of Columbia for failing to protect them, but D.C.'s highest court exonerated the District and its police, saying that it is a "fundamental principle of American law that a government and its agents are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection, to any individual citizen." [4] There are many similar cases with results to the same effect. [5]

In the Warren case the injured parties sued the District of Columbia under its own laws for failing to protect them. Most often such cases are brought in state (or, in the case of Warren, D.C.) courts for violation of state statutes, because federal law pertaining to these matters is even more onerous. But when someone does sue under federal law, it is nearly always for violation of 42 U.S.C. 1983 (often inaccurately referred to as "the civil rights act"). Section 1983 claims are brought against government officials for allegedly violating the injured parties' federal statutory or Constitutional rights.

The seminal case establishing the general rule that police have no duty under federal law to protect citizens is DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services. [6] Frequently these cases are based on an alleged "special relationship" between the injured party and the police. In DeShaney the injured party was a boy who was beaten and permanently injured by his father. He claimed a special relationship existed because local officials knew he was being abused, indeed they had "specifically proclaimed by word and deed [their] intention to protect him against that danger," [7] but failed to remove him from his father's custody.

The Court in DeShaney held that no duty arose because of a "special relationship," concluding that Constitutional duties of care and protection only exist as to certain individuals, such as incarcerated prisoners, involuntarily committed mental patients and others restrained against their will and therefore unable to protect themselves. "The affirmative duty to protect arises not from the State's knowledge of the individual's predicament or from its expressions of intent to help him, but from the limitation which it has imposed on his freedom to act on his own behalf." [8]

About a year later, the United States Court of Appeals interpreted DeShaney in the California case of Balistreri v. Pacifica Police Department. [9] Ms. Balistreri, beaten and harassed by her estranged husband, alleged a "special relationship" existed between her and the Pacifica Police Department, to wit, they were duty-bound to protect her because there was a restraining order against her husband. The Court of Appeals, however, concluded that DeShaney limited the circumstances that would give rise to a "special relationship" to instances of custody. Because no such custody existed in Balistreri, the Pacifica Police had no duty to protect her, so when they failed to do so and she was injured they were not liable.

A citizen injured because the police failed to protect her can only sue the State or local government in federal court if one of their officials violated a federal statutory or Constitutional right, and can only win such a suit if a "special relationship" can be shown to have existed, which DeShaney and its progeny make it very difficult to do. Moreover, Zinermon v. Burch [10] very likely precludes Section 1983 liability for police agencies in these types of cases if there is a potential remedy via a State tort action.

Many states, however, have specifically precluded such claims, barring lawsuits against State or local officials for failure to protect, by enacting statutes such as California's Government Code, Sections 821, 845, and 846 which state, in part: "Neither a public entity or a public employee [may be sued] for failure to provide adequate police protection or service, failure to prevent the commission of crimes and failure to apprehend criminals."

It is painfully clear that the police cannot be relied upon to protect us. Thus far we've seen that they have no duty to do so. And we've also seen that even if they did have a duty to protect us, practically- speaking they could not fulfill it with sufficient certainty that we would want to bet our lives on it.

Now it's time to take off the gloves, so to speak, and get down to reality. So the police aren't duty-bound to protect us, and they can't be expected to protect us even if they want to. Does that mean that they won't protect us if they have the opportunity?

One of the leading cases on this point dates way back into the 1950s. [11] A certain Ms. Riss was being harassed by a former boyfriend, in a familiar pattern of increasingly violent threats. She went to the police for help many times, but was always rebuffed. Desperate because she could not get police protection, she applied for a gun permit, but was refused that as well. On the eve of her engagement party she and her mother went to the police one last time pleading for protection against what they were certain was a serious and dangerous threat. And one last time the police refused. As she was leaving the party, her former boyfriend threw acid in her face, blinding and permanently disfiguring her.

Her case against the City of New York for failing to protect her was, not surprisingly, unsuccessful. The lone dissenting justice of New York's high court wrote in his opinion: "What makes the City's position [denying any obligation to protect the woman] particularly difficult to understand is that, in conformity to the dictates of the law [she] did not carry any weapon for self-defense. Thus, by a rather bitter irony she was required to rely for protection on the City of New York which now denies all responsibility to her." [12]

Instances of police refusing to protect someone in grave danger, who is urgently requesting help, are becoming disturbingly more common. In 1988, Lisa Bianco's violently abusive husband was finally in jail for beating and kidnapping her, after having victimized her for years. Ms. Bianco was somewhat comforted by the facts that he was supposedly serving a seven-year sentence, and she had been promised by the authorities that she'd be notified well in advance of his release. Nevertheless, after being in only a short time, he was temporarily released on an eight-hour pass, and she wasn't notified. He went directly to her house and, in front of their 6- and 10- year old daughters, beat Lisa Bianco to death.

In 1989, in a suburb of Los Angeles, Maria Navarro called the L. A. County Sheriff's 911 emergency line asking for help. It was her birthday and there was a party at her house, but her estranged husband, against whom she had had a restraining order, said he was coming over to kill her. She believed him, but got no sympathy from the 911 dispatcher, who said: "What do you want us to do lady, send a car to sit outside your house?" Less than half an hour after Maria hung up in frustration, one of her guests called the same 911 line and informed the dispatcher that the husband was there and had already killed Maria and one other guest. Before the cops arrived, he had killed another.

But certainly no cop would stand by and do nothing while someone was being violently victimized. Or would they? In Freeman v. Ferguson [13] a police chief directed his officers not to enforce a restraining order against a woman's estranged husband because the man was a friend of the chief's. The man subsequently killed the woman and her daughter. Perhaps such a specific case is an anomaly, but more instances of general abuses aren't at all rare.

In one such typical case [14] , a woman and her son were harassed, threatened and assaulted by her estranged husband, all in violation of his probation and a restraining order. Despite numerous requests for police protection, the police did nothing because "the police department used an administrative classification that resulted in police protection being fully provided to persons abused by someone with whom the victim has no domestic relationship, but less protection when the victim is either: 1) a woman abused or assaulted by a spouse or boyfriend, or 2) a child abused by a father or stepfather." [15]

In a much more recent case, [16] a woman claimed she was injured because the police refused to make an arrest following a domestic violence call. She claimed their refusal to arrest was due to a city policy of gender- based discrimination. In that case the U. S. District Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit held that "no constitutional violation [occurred] when the most that can be said of the police is that they stood by and did nothing..." [17]

Do the police really harbor such indifference to the plight of certain victims? To answer that, let's leave the somewhat aloof and dispassionate world of legal precedent and move into the more easily understood "real world." I can state from considerable personal experience, unequivocally, that these things do happen. As to why they occur, I can offer only my opinion based on that experience and on additional research into the dark and murky areas of criminal sociopathy and police abuse.

One client of my partner's and mine had a restraining order against her violently abusive estranged husband. He had recently beaten her so savagely a metal plate had to be implanted in her jaw. Over and over he violated the court order, sometimes thirty times daily. He repeatedly threatened to kill her and those of use helping her. But the cops refused to arrest him for violating the order, even though they'd witnessed him doing so more than once. They danced around all over the place trying to explain why they wouldn't enforce the order, including inventing numerous absurd excuses about having lost her file (a common tactic in these cases). It finally came to light that there was a departmental order to not arrest anyone in that county for violating a protective order because the county had recently been sued by an irate (and wealthy) domestic violence arrestee.

In another of our cases, when Peggi and I served the man with restraining orders (something we're often required to do because various law enforcement agencies can't or won't do it), he threatened there and then to kill our client. Due to the vigorous nature of the threat, we went immediately to the police department to get it on file in case he attempted to carry it out during the few days before the upcoming court appearance. We spent hours filing the report, but two days later when our client went to the police department for a copy to take to court, she was told there was no record of her, her restraining order, her case, or our report.

She called in a panic. Without that report it would be more difficult securing a permanent restraining order against him. I paid an immediate visit to the chief of that department. We discussed the situation and I suggested various options, including dragging the officer to whom Peggi and I had given the detailed death threat report into court to explain under oath how it had gotten lost. In mere moments, an internal affairs officer was assigned to investigate and, while I waited, they miraculously produced the file and our report. I was even telephoned later and offered an effusive apology by various members of the department.

It is true that in the real world, law enforcement authorities very often do perpetuate the victimization. It is also true that each of us is the only person upon whom we can absolutely rely to avoid victimization. If our client in the last anecdote hadn't taken responsibility for her own fate, she might never have survived the ordeal. But she had sufficient resolve to fend for herself. Realizing the police couldn't or wouldn't help her, she contacted us. Then, when the police tried their bureaucratic shuffle on her, she called me. But for her determination to be a victim no more, and to take responsibility for her own destiny, she might have joined the countless others victimized first by criminals, then by the very system they expect will protect them.

Remember, even if the police were obligated to protect us (which they aren't), or even if they tried to protect us (which they often don't, a fact brought home to millions nationwide as they watched in horror the recent events in Los Angeles), most often there wouldn't be time enough for them to do it. It's about time that we came to grips with that, and resolved never to abdicate responsibility for our personal safety, and that of our loved ones, to anyone else.

COPYRIGHT - 1992 - Peter Alan Kasler

Related Footnote:

After ordering Darrow against the car and searching him, Sergeant Kuehnlein released the motorist. Update: Website used by Saint Louis police contained threats of harassment and bodily harm against Darrow in June.

View video of incident below. Warning: Police officer uses graphic language.

A young Saint Louis, Missouri motorist faces trouble with local police upset at the national attention his September 7 video of an out-of-control officer has drawn to ongoing problems within area law enforcement agencies. On Sunday, Brett Darrow filmed a Saint Louis Metropolitan Police Department cruiser staking out his home.

Project For a New American Century

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