To can take our guns from us, by force? Just as you did when Katrina hit New Orleans! And you say! Quote: ‘if you are not with us, (your) with the terrorists?’ What? more planes into buildings W?
I have a question: What is the act of terror? Answer: ‘Taking law abiding citizens guns away from them when we need them the most! When the dregs of society roam the flooded streets armed to the teeth with no fear Because!!! 'Is everybody listening?'
You disarmed the Citizenry!
What a bone headed idea that was! And, I guarantee your planning to do it again, aren’t you W? With some half cooked, hair brained cock-a-mammy story of terrorists around every corner, when it is your policies which give us these ‘so-called terrorist’ in the first place, whom you and your father created giving unrestricted access to and through this country’s wide-open borders.
That is the act of terrorism W! But, you already knew that, don’t you W? Through the signing of numerous executive orders, you single handedly over threw 200+ years of blood bought Freedom! You hide your true motives from the peoples of this great country; all the while our so-called elected officials skulk around in the dark.
Making back-door deals with their Puppet Masters of the CFR, and TLC to save and or increase their power base, or they’re quivering in a corner, afraid to speak up for fear of being named a unlawful enemy combatants, arrested, and shipped off to some concentration camps, which are popping up all over this country, and around the world.
Which you claim are for relocation in the act of a natural disasters, or for those who up rise in civil unrest against the tyrannical government yea right that’s why the Japanese American internment was the forced removal and internment of approximately 120,000[1] Japanese and Japanese Americans (62% of whom were United States citizens)[2][3] from the West Coast of the United States during World War II.
‘That’s BS! W, and you know it!’ A perfect example of what you, or should I say ‘your handlers’ have planned for the US citizen is resoundingly pungently reflected in what is already being done to Ed and Elaine Brown. When all they have done was simply asked of their subservient government ‘SHOW ME THE LAW’
But, through your hired mercenaries masquerading as Police / US Marshals, and BATF. Has ordered all mail, power, and access to food, water, Internet ‘so they can’t tell the world the truth,’ all cut off essentially starving the Browns out! Forcing them to live like staked and hunted animals. Intimidated harassed terrorized, tasered, beaten, and now we have learned through Ed himself ‘gassed and tortured!’
Were it not for their friends and supporters whom you now vehemently hunting down like animals harassing, and arresting them under trumped up charges of aiding and abetting as if the browns had broken any law but for standing up against a tyrannical government. When ‘There Is No LAW.’
Adding insult to injury, claims that the Browns had planted explosive on the land they so dearly loved, which they have openly proclaimed ‘a gift from The Lord God Almighty!’ ‘Whom you W also claim to serve.’ More flamboyant fabricated charges i.e.
‘Booby traps, planted explosives hanging in trees, stockpiles of weapons AK47’s and such!
Which in reality turn out to be Ed’s hunting rifle’ All your hired mercenaries acting as though they’re going in to capture the top criminals of ‘America’s Most Wanted’! Where’s John Walsh when you need him, huh? In truth W you have robbed these upstanding model Americans of their most valued God given right! Freedom!
Under the guise of doing your duty by seizing these dangerous Tax Evaders by trickery and treachery. If there is a LAW W then why are your minions petrified to walk up to the front door and place the Browns under arrest? Because you know as does the whole of the Congress, and the so-called Supreme Courts that ‘There Is No LAW!
You’re using those whom have, as yourself sworn an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and its citizens against all enemies foreign and domestic. The exact opposite is what you have done to the Browns W and it is also, what you intend to do to the rest of us by force of the Military Commissions Act of 2006!
All the while! W you and your family are planning run off and live on your 98,840 acres complex in Paraguay, which by the way has one of the most corrupt judicial systems in the world ‘kind of sounds like the Courts of the good ole Us of A doesn’t it?’ The Paraguayan Senate voted last summer to “grant U.S. troops immunity from national and International Criminal Court (ICC) jurisdiction.”
Why! might the president and his family need a 98,840-acre ranch in Paraguay protected by a semi-secret U.S. military base manned by American troops who have been exempted from war-crimes prosecution by the Paraguayan government?
Paraguay’s drug czar called it an “enormously strategic point in both the narcotics and arms trades.” And it sits atop the one of the world’s largest fresh-water aquifers. What does W know that the rest of us don’t? Maybe that there is a great tragedy coming to the US of the magnitude never even imagined, under the guise of terrorism under the total control of the World’s Handlers!
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