Wednesday, May 7, 2008

the manifesting beast

Humanity has begun to lose “faith” in the manifesting beast! in the Bush’s?

And looks to another to show the way of damnation, which head shall they pick from the manifesting beast this time? The McCain Dis [able] d head? The Billary head? Or the Brobama head?

All parts are of the manifesting beast, which hath seven heads and ten horns?

In seeking continued signs from man, man himself perpetuates an ongoing relationship with an image in his carnal mind of what he believes man to be, “in fact, in what he believes individually himself to be!”

A man of conscience!

But in reality, he continues to “worship,” an image of what he believes himself to be, by appearance and circumstance! And not in what he is in reality by nature! As long as man continues to project himself as master to the day, he continues to bow down to a self made image of god and not God Himself!

And it is proclaimed that:

“Ye know not what ye do worship” it is known who is worshiped,

the manifesting beast, “whose number is? he is who is worshiped? the manifesting beast he/she cannot receive the word of God, he/she cannot hear His voice! It is foolishness unto him/her!

Joh 4:22 Ye 5210 worship4352 ye know1492 not3756 what: 3739 we2249 know1492 what3739 we worship: 4352 for3754 salvation4991 is2076 of1537 the3588 Jews.2453


“His sheep hear is voice! And another they will not follow!”


All the wiles he knowingly spun into the full velocity of this continuing “deadly black dance” to the manifesting of all human exploits of depravity, deified!

To “godhood!”

The full depravity of man!



“Proudly Proclaimed” openly!! for all who can see!

The Manifesting beast is:

“That man who surrenders his birthright for comfort and security!”

Deserving neither comfort nor security!

He has placed his trust in mammon!

The Greek word for "Mammon", mamonas, occurs in the Sermon on the Mount (during the discourse on ostentation) and in the parable of the Unjust Steward (Luke 16:9-13). The Authorised Version keeps the Syriac word. John Wycliffe uses "richessis".

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Who owns You? are you sure...

With all the black ops occurring on college campi these days, from recruiting, to indoctrination of American citizens without their knowledge to the subjected under the guise of domestic terrorist i.e. Ruby Ridge, Waco, Virginia Tech, Columbine High, WTC 93/2001 all administrated under C.I.A. MKULTRA protocols and compartmental Procedures.

There is a greater need than ever to abolish the prohibition of licensed concealed weapons on school property, surely the US government is not going to support the manifestation of freedom or constitutional right exercised by the citizen?

So, it is all up to us, the great citizens of these United States of America (the greatest nation on God’s green earth.) Since the beginning of the Bush Administration of G.H.W Bush the execution of the plan of The Project for a New American Century which begot the USA Patriot Act I, II, The Military Commissions Act of 2006, Posse Comitatus,

The legal positions of Posse Comitatus have been further developed. The Sovereign Citizen, boldly states that U.S. citizen is a "sovereign citizen" (opposed to a "Fourteenth Amendment Citizen") and thereby be subject only to: common law and/or "constitutional law!” not to any statutory law (including most taxes).

The Uniform Commercial Code has an important part in these legal positions.

Sovereign Citizens boldly state:

“The U.S. government has enslaved its citizens by using them as collateral against foreign debt to (England and the Colonial Empire worldwide, The United Arab Emirates, Dubai, China.)